
I’m getting bullied at work and I’m scared

I (F25) wrote about this problem here about a month ago, I didn’t release I was getting bullied at the time, but now I do. I work at a grocery store and am being bullied by a woman who is about 60 (I’ll call her Karen). Karan complained about me, saying I was lazy and annoying. I would say I am definitely not lazy and obviously I can’t help if she finds me annoying. I told the manager of the store some of the things Karan had said but she didn’t even acknowledge what I had said, and nothing was ever said or done about it, but when Karan complained about me, about things that where not true, she yelled at me until I started crying. But yesterday I had to leave work because I didn’t fell well, I had a sore head and nose coz of allergies and I…

I (F25) wrote about this problem here about a month ago, I didn’t release I was getting bullied at the time, but now I do.

I work at a grocery store and am being bullied by a woman who is about 60 (I’ll call her Karen).

Karan complained about me, saying I was lazy and annoying. I would say I am definitely not lazy and obviously I can’t help if she finds me annoying.

I told the manager of the store some of the things Karan had said but she didn’t even acknowledge what I had said, and nothing was ever said or done about it, but when Karan complained about me, about things that where not true, she yelled at me until I started crying.

But yesterday I had to leave work because I didn’t fell well, I had a sore head and nose coz of allergies and I couldn’t face working with Karan when I was ill, so I text the manager saying I had left, and I said I can’t cope with working with Karan, and I put in the message some of the things she has said to me, including 2 of the things I had already told her about.

And she replied
‘Ok you need to make an official compliant as we take bullying very seriously. When are you next so we can sit down to discuss?‘

But when I told her before, it wasn’t taken seriously.

Someone said to me, she is being sly, because that’s how she should have acted when I first told her about Karan. But there is no record, she will just deny that I told her about things Karan had said.

The manger said to me ‘I don’t pay u to fill ur water bottle’, because I filled my water bottle when on shift, and since then I have been too afraid to drink water at work, there was a heat wave on some of the days I was at work, and I got rly ill. But she hasn’t said to anyone else, that they can’t fill their water bottle on shift, only me, it feels like I’m being discriminated against, and it’s horrible, I rly think she is just waiting for an excuse to fire me. She said to me ‘do u want this job?, coz I’m not being funny but I can get another florist’ which I thought was very unnecessary, obviously it’s like a very low down job so I’m completely very easily replaceable, but there is no need to say it.

It’s not just that I’m getting bullied by Karan, the manger of the store wants me to quit, or find an excuse to fire me, so who can I even complain to.

I don’t think I can mentally cope with being at that job anymore, so I don’t think I can go back. I am so sad about it, I feel like such a failure coz I can’t even work at a grocery store. I get paid very little, and I have to put up with someone saying horrible things to me, it’s just not normal.

Also I’d just say that the manger sounds not nice, but I think she is nice, she’s probably just very busy with her job so just wants me to quit or fire me so she doesn’t have to deal with Karan bullying me, and obviously she works at a grocery store not a school so she shouldn’t rly have to deal with people getting bullied in her job.

I’m supposed to be in work tomorrow but I feel ill at the thought of going in to work.

This job is so horrible, every job I’ve had before this one I’ve had no problems with, everyone has always been rly nice, I’ve only worked casual jobs (waitress, shop assistant, florist, call centre and office jobs) obviously they weren’t great, but they where ok, I’d just do my job then go home, but now when I go home from work I feel sick and scared, it’s like I’m still there, I can’t relax or enjoy anything coz it’s always in the back of my mind that I’ll have to go back to work.

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