
Dealing With Type A Wannabe Managers

I work at a consulting firm and all my coworkers know they're being overworked and keep doing way more than the minimum requirements anyway! They all want to be manager one day and have deluded themselves into thinking they'll get promoted if they “just keep their heads down and work hard.” Maybe 1 out of every 200 people hired by my company gets any kind of upward mobility. I wish there was a way to persuade these people to band together and demand better chances for promotion, but all they want to do is compete, wear themselves out, and raise the already-too-high bar for the rest of us!

I work at a consulting firm and all my coworkers know they're being overworked and keep doing way more than the minimum requirements anyway! They all want to be manager one day and have deluded themselves into thinking they'll get promoted if they “just keep their heads down and work hard.” Maybe 1 out of every 200 people hired by my company gets any kind of upward mobility. I wish there was a way to persuade these people to band together and demand better chances for promotion, but all they want to do is compete, wear themselves out, and raise the already-too-high bar for the rest of us!

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