
Has anyone gone through an NLRB case? How did the process work?

Hi Guys, So I reported my employer for telling me I am not allowed to discuss wages when bringing up an issue regarding new hires being paid more and then getting a reduction of hours to an eventual no shifts given. I've already filed the charge and completed my affidavit I was just wondering what I should expect from here. I don't have any proof that they reduced my hours for this reason but I do have emails where they told me I am not allowed to discuss pay. I'm hoping I can get some back pay from the time the incident happened until whenever the trial/settlement is, the thing that worries me is that I work in the catering industry and we have a slow season from December to March, the incident happened in April so things started to pick up very briefly in the last weeks of March…

Hi Guys,

So I reported my employer for telling me I am not allowed to discuss wages when bringing up an issue regarding new hires being paid more and then getting a reduction of hours to an eventual no shifts given. I've already filed the charge and completed my affidavit I was just wondering what I should expect from here. I don't have any proof that they reduced my hours for this reason but I do have emails where they told me I am not allowed to discuss pay.

I'm hoping I can get some back pay from the time the incident happened until whenever the trial/settlement is, the thing that worries me is that I work in the catering industry and we have a slow season from December to March, the incident happened in April so things started to pick up very briefly in the last weeks of March to April when the incident happened but then I had months where I was getting almost no work prior to that period. So technically I was still getting more work then I was a few weeks prior but I knew it didn't match the work available due to the season picking up, I also got a lot of unfavorable shifts I would get booked for a few 4 hour shifts or a few long 14 hour shifts. Any idea of how back pay would be calculated in a situation like this or if its realistic that I would get any?

I also found a job the next month after the incident happened, I am not there still because I finally got a job in my field that I studied in college where I'm working full time. (Don't want them to know that) but is that something I would have to be disclosed and be a factor?

I feel like I have a strong case based on the fact that the manager in writing told me I cannot discuss pay but would be nice if I could get some type of monetary benefit from this.

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