
Don’t Get Steamrolled By Rich Guys

Two weeks ago, I had a meeting with the owner of a company I work for. He’s a super rich old guy, and the company is pretty huge. He had some special pet project that he wanted done, one of those stupid projects that does nothing but to inflate a rich guy’s ego. During the meeting (which included my boss and another coworker) out of the blue, he started berating me saying that he never sees me in the office (I was hired to be a remote employee), called himself a snake in the grass that could strike at any point, and threatened my job saying since I was a remote employee, I had to be the best in the world or he’d hire someone else. Needless to say, I almost quit during the meeting but for some reason I didn’t. Well, in the past two weeks I’ve had six…

Two weeks ago, I had a meeting with the owner of a company I work for. He’s a super rich old guy, and the company is pretty huge. He had some special pet project that he wanted done, one of those stupid projects that does nothing but to inflate a rich guy’s ego.

During the meeting (which included my boss and another coworker) out of the blue, he started berating me saying that he never sees me in the office (I was hired to be a remote employee), called himself a snake in the grass that could strike at any point, and threatened my job saying since I was a remote employee, I had to be the best in the world or he’d hire someone else.

Needless to say, I almost quit during the meeting but for some reason I didn’t. Well, in the past two weeks I’ve had six job interviews and had to turn down three more because I accepted a position Friday where the hiring manager told me “this place is a job, it’s not your life, we don’t respond to emails after hours or on the weekends”.

I’m not unique and in high demand, good people are. If you are reading this, you are. You are worth more than you realize and you should certainly not tolerate being steamrolled by some rich guy that only wants you around to bolster their ego. You have one life to live and your happiness shouldn’t be determined by someone that is giving you a paycheck. There are others that will pay you.

I’m resigning tomorrow.

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