
Thank god for collective action.

Just left a job where I (27F) was sexually harassed pretty openly at work by my 70M company’s boss. I won’t get into it, but mainly unsolicited sexual comments about me with some kissing and groping. I was poor and gaslit and stupid so I stuck that job around until recently. After I left, I heard that a different woman started a formal allegation saying that he’d harassed her, too. I’d distanced myself enough from the company to feel comfortable telling the independent investigators my story (knowing that it happened to other women helped). Rehashing the story definitely made me get my hopes up about justice happening. The investigation found our allegations credible, but the company decided to “remove him from his position…” by giving him a slightly different title and no consequences. I was devastated. While I wallowed a bit, young people in my industry let the company HAVE…

Just left a job where I (27F) was sexually harassed pretty openly at work by my 70M company’s boss. I won’t get into it, but mainly unsolicited sexual comments about me with some kissing and groping. I was poor and gaslit and stupid so I stuck that job around until recently.

After I left, I heard that a different woman started a formal allegation saying that he’d harassed her, too. I’d distanced myself enough from the company to feel comfortable telling the independent investigators my story (knowing that it happened to other women helped).

Rehashing the story definitely made me get my hopes up about justice happening. The investigation found our allegations credible, but the company decided to “remove him from his position…” by giving him a slightly different title and no consequences. I was devastated.

While I wallowed a bit, young people in my industry let the company HAVE it. Boycotts, calls for action, making noise online and on TV. And within just 3 days, the company announced its decision to remove him properly! They never admitted any wrongdoing or addressed the allegation of course, but that dude is OUT.

It was the WORKERS and the ALLIES who forced real change. The big wigs wanted to sweep him under the rug, but because of the pressure that normal people created, that guy won’t work with minors anymore. My friends heard me, saw what happened, took to the streets, held this company accountable, and strong armed some justice! It makes me feel like maybe we can change things for the better.

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