
Employer BS about job role

I need to get this off my chest, as I have a fair bit of resentment. So I applied for a technology role, using my technology skills, interviewed being questioned about that technology and got the job. Day 1, it was made clear that they had no intention of using my actual skills and abilities and instead wanted me to “Bring in clients” particularly my former employer who it turned out they were trying to pitch to. Also the tech work they assigned to me was something I had no knowledge, experience in or much interest in. Like loving playing soccer at mid field and being told “it's a sport” so your now the ice hockey goalie The tech that I used to work with, I really enjoyed, it gave me a buzz and for all my old employers faults (and their is a lot) they let me get on…

I need to get this off my chest, as I have a fair bit of resentment. So I applied for a technology role, using my technology skills, interviewed being questioned about that technology and got the job. Day 1, it was made clear that they had no intention of using my actual skills and abilities and instead wanted me to “Bring in clients” particularly my former employer who it turned out they were trying to pitch to. Also the tech work they assigned to me was something I had no knowledge, experience in or much interest in. Like loving playing soccer at mid field and being told “it's a sport” so your now the ice hockey goalie

The tech that I used to work with, I really enjoyed, it gave me a buzz and for all my old employers faults (and their is a lot) they let me get on with it and reaped the benefits of it. The job I just quit caused my skills to atrophy and thb if your not working on day to day real world problems you don't get the real insights.

On top of all that I have clinical depression mostly caused by the pain management relating to my disability but this employer added an extra layer to the depression. I did make my medical conditions and registered disability clear in the interview etc, it had never been an issue previously. Three months into the job, I was told “don't tell clients about your personal issues as it puts them off”

Six months I was doing that job, I would have quit earlier but we, as a family, moved house. Its been two weeks since I quit and I don't regret it, I can see its worrying my wife because our income has dropped but she supported me as she could see that the job was making my depression darker.

Sorry if this isn't quite in the vein of antiwork, but I need a vent and a rant. There is more I could say about the firms general assholery, but thanks for your patience

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