
What was the point of interviewing me?

I'm a CS major applying for IT having shit luck. I had to take 4-5 assessments on their website. I did well on them and then When I got interviewed I had one technical/skill based questions. So I assume I got the job. The guy made it seem like my lack of experience wouldn't be a problem and said they were expanding their team. Now informed I didn't get it. All they did was collect data about my personal information/projects I did. I could understand interviewing if it was to test someone's technical knowledge or critical thinking skills but that wasn't with this interview. He just basically told me about their company the whole time. What the fuck was the actual point. If I could make crypto/nfts my full time job forever I would do it like I did in 2021. It reminded me why I quit job searching last…

I'm a CS major applying for IT having shit luck. I had to take 4-5 assessments on their website. I did well on them and then When I got interviewed I had one technical/skill based questions. So I assume I got the job. The guy made it seem like my lack of experience wouldn't be a problem and said they were expanding their team.

Now informed I didn't get it. All they did was collect data about my personal information/projects I did. I could understand interviewing if it was to test someone's technical knowledge or critical thinking skills but that wasn't with this interview. He just basically told me about their company the whole time. What the fuck was the actual point.

If I could make crypto/nfts my full time job forever I would do it like I did in 2021. It reminded me why I quit job searching last year. All these getting denied and time wasted is just fucking stupid and I need to vent.

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