
The Zoo I work for is a joke

So today I had a shift and I was put outside to work in the stand to sell merchandise, okay whatever ,It was very sunny outside and hot normal weather if you live in Florida but then it started raining a little after 2:15 and then bam heavy rain started pouring down , I have machines im suppose to use like an “iPad “and a “receipt printer “ all which of the two items were getting soaked they ended up coming outside to see how I was doing and I had told them that we should probably put the stuff inside because it’s getting wet and it could get damaged and clearly I don’t want to be responsible for that when it could be avoided !!!! And they said let’s wait 10 mins to see if it stops raining . 10 mins pass , it starts raining even harder and…

So today I had a shift and I was put outside to work in the stand to sell merchandise, okay whatever ,It was very sunny outside and hot normal weather if you live in Florida but then it started raining a little after 2:15 and then bam heavy rain started pouring down , I have machines im suppose to use like an “iPad “and a “receipt printer “ all which of the two items were getting soaked they ended up coming outside to see how I was doing and I had told them that we should probably put the stuff inside because it’s getting wet and it could get damaged and clearly I don’t want to be responsible for that when it could be avoided !!!! And they said let’s wait 10 mins to see if it stops raining . 10 mins pass , it starts raining even harder and boom a loud ass fucking thunder and lighting strikes it was so fucking bright and my ears started ringing I literally couldn’t hear anything for a couple of mins and I was scared as fuck I felt so unsafe so I call one of my coworkers and I tell them to let them know we need to bring the stuff inside and that I don’t feel safe outside because those aren’t working conditions to be working in and once again the supervisor comes outside again and she said “ there’s more people here working outside too “ and I’m like that doesn’t mean that anyone should be working outside right now while it’s fucking thundering and lighting is striking to the point where one of our umbrella got zapped ???!!! after that happens they make me bring the stuff back inside where I almost slipped and I go and tell her that I was not going to take responsibility for the machines if they got messed up from the rain after I told them 3 times to take it inside !! And she goes and says “ Technically it is your responsibility “ and I stfg I wanted to punch her so bad my ears are still ringing and I might go to the e.r later but let me just say it’s incredible that some company’s don’t care if they put you in danger as long as their making money mind you after that they sent me home 3 hours earlier because they couldn’t put me inside to work (:

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