
How Hard do you Really Work at Work?

This is a question I was thinking about today at work- there’s so often I can’t get myself to do work and simple tasks take all day. I end up distracted on tik tok or texting my boyfriend or doing a crossword. I’ve ditched work for a few hours often for long lunches and to get a tattoo once. Is this common with people? I work a professional job with a high salary and don’t feel like I’m pulling my weight and just want to know if it’s common that people are this way and I’m not just lazy. Maybe we aren’t meant to work 8 hours a day…

This is a question I was thinking about today at work- there’s so often I can’t get myself to do work and simple tasks take all day. I end up distracted on tik tok or texting my boyfriend or doing a crossword. I’ve ditched work for a few hours often for long lunches and to get a tattoo once. Is this common with people? I work a professional job with a high salary and don’t feel like I’m pulling my weight and just want to know if it’s common that people are this way and I’m not just lazy. Maybe we aren’t meant to work 8 hours a day…

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