
Is it wrong to quit a job that you just started? I feel like I’m letting them down if I do. Help?

For some context, I just graduated from college and I started a part time/full time role with the same department that I was a student worker for. (I work full time hours for part time pay and no benefits). They call it a wage 1500 hour cap employee. Student work was great I really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun. I’ve been doing this for 2 weeks, since 8/1 and I hate it. It’s more or less manual labor and I thought I’d get more responsibility, respect, etc. but I haven’t. I get treated like the same role except I go to meetings and have keys. Woo hoo! They told me going into this that August would be difficult but fuck man I’m miserable. 8-10 hour days is fine, but no days off is messing with me. I had one day off last weekend, one day off this…

For some context,

I just graduated from college and I started a part time/full time role with the same department that I was a student worker for. (I work full time hours for part time pay and no benefits). They call it a wage 1500 hour cap employee. Student work was great I really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun.

I’ve been doing this for 2 weeks, since 8/1 and I hate it. It’s more or less manual labor and I thought I’d get more responsibility, respect, etc. but I haven’t. I get treated like the same role except I go to meetings and have keys. Woo hoo!

They told me going into this that August would be difficult but fuck man I’m miserable. 8-10 hour days is fine, but no days off is messing with me. I had one day off last weekend, one day off this past weekend and I’m working both days this coming weekend for events. On my lunch break I’m looking at jobs to hold me over until I start my online or in person masters program.

The issue is, I’ve made a lot of great connections in this job and I’m worried that if I quit and leave I’ll be definitely screwing them over but that all of my connections and networking will be gone.

I have knots in my stomach going in to work after the first week and there was a part of me that was going to tell them “I’m done after today.” But I didn’t.

Any advice? Tips?

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