
If you get injured at work, don’t EVER go to your employer’s doctor

Okay, this tip should be obvious but for those that aren’t hip: I’m a frontline supervisor in a warehouse so there are a decent amount of injuries from the repetitive nature of lifting boxes ten hours a day. Thus, my company has their own occupational health specialists that they refer employees to should they be injured. It’s an experience that mirrors my time in the army where the cure for everything is ‘take Tylenol and drink water.’ They will do the absolute minimum to find a diagnosis and try their hardest to get you back into work ASAP. There are two reasons for this. First being that injured workers don’t make the company money. Secondly, and the one your employer care most about, is that if you miss time from work due to an injury, it becomes OSHA recordable. I’m not sure on all the implications of that but your…

Okay, this tip should be obvious but for those that aren’t hip:

I’m a frontline supervisor in a warehouse so there are a decent amount of injuries from the repetitive nature of lifting boxes ten hours a day. Thus, my company has their own occupational health specialists that they refer employees to should they be injured.

It’s an experience that mirrors my time in the army where the cure for everything is ‘take Tylenol and drink water.’ They will do the absolute minimum to find a diagnosis and try their hardest to get you back into work ASAP.

There are two reasons for this. First being that injured workers don’t make the company money. Secondly, and the one your employer care most about, is that if you miss time from work due to an injury, it becomes OSHA recordable. I’m not sure on all the implications of that but your company does not want any attention from OSHA.

As a supervisor, I work closely with the EHS team. At both companies I have worked for, they try hard to sway employees to their doctor. ‘It’s a free check up!’ They’ll say. Nothing is free comrades lol. And believe me, they get PISSED when you go see your own doctor instead. So I always pull employees to the side after they speak with EHS and tell them they already have insurance and should seek out the care they want to.

Hope this helped somebody.

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