
Interviewing hell (Rant)

I applied for a sales job at a furniture store last month, followed up every two days for about a week until I finally got an interview they scheduled the next day seemed promising! I went the next day (Saturday) and the had me interviewing for customer service and chastised me for not having my application submitted and had me fill one out. I pointed out I had applied to sales they still had me fill out an application while they found the one I submitted online, then had me interview with the customer service manager for about ten minutes before she finally decided I should interview with the sales manager. So he came to interview me, didn’t even look at me for the the first twenty minutes of the interview but the rest of it seemed to have gone great! Sales manager then has me go talk to the…

I applied for a sales job at a furniture store last month, followed up every two days for about a week until I finally got an interview they scheduled the next day seemed promising! I went the next day (Saturday) and the had me interviewing for customer service and chastised me for not having my application submitted and had me fill one out. I pointed out I had applied to sales they still had me fill out an application while they found the one I submitted online, then had me interview with the customer service manager for about ten minutes before she finally decided I should interview with the sales manager.

So he came to interview me, didn’t even look at me for the the first twenty minutes of the interview but the rest of it seemed to have gone great! Sales manager then has me go talk to the sales associates on the floor and ask questions for about an hour, he then came over and asked if I’d be there when he got back??

He was going to pick up lunch for all of the employees, so I waited around for him he came back and disappears to the back for about her thirty minutes or so. He finally comes back and I flag him down asking him if we could wrap up as I’d already been there about three hours. He said it went great and he would get with his higher ups and they’d call me within two weeks if I didn’t hear back then call him and he’d reach out again.

I get home and he calls and says the higher up was incredibly impressed and was gonna call me that night and if I didn’t hear back by Monday morning to call them.

Monday rolls around I still haven’t heard so I call and the guy who told me to call was off that day.

Tuesday night comes and the higher up calls and asks if I can drive two hours away for another interview, I cannot so we set an interview for Friday he’ll get back to me with the time in a few minutes after we hang up.

Mid day Wednesday rolls around and I still haven’t heard back so I reach out to the higher up, he then asks me if I can drive an hour away for the interview on Friday and I cannot, so we schedule a zoom interview for Thursday.

I get the email link 5 minutes before the interview which frustrated me as I was already beginning to feel as if I was getting the run around but I need the job.

Higher up is super impressed with my interview so they say they’ll talk to the manger and I’ll know tomorrow.

Store manger calls Friday and makes a point to let me know he discussed me second interview with the higher up on his day off and then interviews me again.

For context I’ve been a certified nurses assistant for the last five years tired of the low pay and ridiculous expectations. He’s asking questions about how I’ll handle the transition from medicine to sales and customer service, how I’d handle going from hourly to commission, and how the “traumatizing” things I’ve dealt with might effect my transition. While I was a little taken aback I answered those questions meanwhile he’s telling me him and his higher up really wanna take the chance on me they think I’ll do really well.

They’ll talk more and I’ll know the latest end of day Saturday. I still haven’t heard anything but they posted the job back on indeed Saturday.

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