
An update to my earlier post

Link to OP at the bottom. To answer some frequently asked questions, I work for a not for profit company, located in the rural Midwest, in America. My coworker, to the best of my knowledge, has only worked in houses where he was 1 on 1 with the client, idk if he's ever worked in a house like I do with multiple clients and coworkers. Now to the update, director of client relations called to tell me she, and the head of HR, have set up a meeting they would like me to attend on Wednesday at 12 noon. They said I will be in the house with Derik until then, (so really just tomorrow) but that my supervisor will be there the entire time to make sure everything goes ok, never leaving me alone with him. She said that she doesn't take the inconvenience of having one less worker…

Link to OP at the bottom.
To answer some frequently asked questions, I work for a not for profit company, located in the rural Midwest, in America. My coworker, to the best of my knowledge, has only worked in houses where he was 1 on 1 with the client, idk if he's ever worked in a house like I do with multiple clients and coworkers.

Now to the update, director of client relations called to tell me she, and the head of HR, have set up a meeting they would like me to attend on Wednesday at 12 noon. They said I will be in the house with Derik until then, (so really just tomorrow) but that my supervisor will be there the entire time to make sure everything goes ok, never leaving me alone with him. She said that she doesn't take the inconvenience of having one less worker influence her decision, she said they will decide and that they are “ready for the fall out”, whatever that means.

So. That's the update for now. My husband says I should not leave the meeting until this is resolved, weather it's in my favore or not, that I shouldn't back down and quit a job I love, and if they don't get rid of him, to follow the advice of the hoard of people on here lol.

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