
i havent worked for a company at all in 2022 and its the best year ive ever fucking had.

So at the start of 2022 i was fed the fuck up with always jumping through hoops for underpaid positions, and absolutely sick and tired of the rinse and repeat cycle of kiss ass to get a job, get taken advantage of, then get disposed of. Either to avoid the end of probation pay raises, or to make way for cheaper labour.. er.. “restructuring”. So i started my own goddamn business where nobody gets to tell me what i can and cant do, no parasitic lazy ass boss to leech my earnings and exploit my time. I am entirely self sufficient, and i can put in a actual reasonable days work, no 9-5 bullshit, no “hey i know you have a life, a family, and passions outside of work but fuck you i want you to come and spend EVEN MORE time at this hell hole, its not optional btw”…

So at the start of 2022 i was fed the fuck up with always jumping through hoops for underpaid positions, and absolutely sick and tired of the rinse and repeat cycle of kiss ass to get a job, get taken advantage of, then get disposed of. Either to avoid the end of probation pay raises, or to make way for cheaper labour.. er.. “restructuring”. So i started my own goddamn business where nobody gets to tell me what i can and cant do, no parasitic lazy ass boss to leech my earnings and exploit my time. I am entirely self sufficient, and i can put in a actual reasonable days work, no 9-5 bullshit, no “hey i know you have a life, a family, and passions outside of work but fuck you i want you to come and spend EVEN MORE time at this hell hole, its not optional btw” and since theres no overhead, or useless heiarchy to vulture away my hard earned money. No boss flexing his brand new bmw then on the other hand telling me how good i got it being paid half as much and being worked twice as hard, i can walk away hapoy knowing i earned every cent i made, and i get to keep it. Aside from taxes of course but what can you do?

In 2022 i have:
Made time to vacation with family and friends
Built stronger bonds with everyone in my social circle
Been able to take care of my mental health and ACTUALLY be happy for once in my life
Pay my bills and not live paycheque to paycheque
Wake up every morning knowing my business is undermining every other big corporate business in the area, and providing a cheap and affordable service to the community, because i have no desire to profitier or exploit my clients.

So basically, without capitalism ive proven to myself that:
-The community prospers and is more financially stable, and not seen as a walking paycheque
-Individuals are paid better
-Theres a sense of bonding and personal relationship with eachother

Remind me why the fuck is capitalism better than this?

I have made more friends, achieved more things in life, felt happier than ever, and been more financially stable in 2022 than i have in all my working years combined. I will NEVER work for a company again. I will never let myself be taken advantage of again. Ive learned more from working on my own than any other shitty company could ever teach. And ive realized something. Theyre all people. Just because the color of your hard hat is different, just because your uniform is a different color, just because your little pin says something different to the bosses, you are no less of a person than them. Their life means no more than yours. Their authority is nothing but a agreed upon concept. Were all people. No jet, no car, no position at a job will change that. Dont let them convince you otherwise.

Companies have brainwashed us into believing we cant survive without their employment, and i realize now, we cant thrive WITH their employment. We make enough money off of them to exist, but on our own we could achieve so much more. If anyone here has a special hobby or talent, dont waste your life surpessing it while your precious memories consist of working for a shit hole company. Make the most of that shit, make your life something to remember. i took a massive chance starting my business, and j refuse to hire anyone. it was basically a moment of “what the fuck else can go wrong. I might as well try it” and it was blue skies from there. Please, if you have a talent, a passion, a hobby, use that. You will feel better than you ever have before, and youll be supporting your community, not a corporate entity. With my service i can do the exact same thing as the big business counterparts for half the price and i also bring the service to them.

Its more convenient, more trouble free, and its cheaper?? Dont companies try to convince us thats impossible? That convenience ALWAYS comes with a price? Its almost like.. were being exploited for profit

Anyways that was super long winded but, for the first time in my life im living my life how little kid me thought life would be lived. Making memories, working and making lots of money, and making people happy. My life isnt perfect by any means but.. its terrifying how much one aspect of your life can completely change who you are and how you feel.

For the 15 people that actually reached the bottom of this nonsensical rant, thank you for listening 🙂

Ps: this is by no means a flex of anything. Im simply just happy that ive cut out so much toxicity from my life.

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