
Quarantine was a big eye opener

So I work at a business where approx 95% of the work could be done from home. My job absolutely must be done in person, but pretty much the entire rest of the building can be done from home. The excuse that my company has given for not letting their employees work remotely, is that our phone systems cannot be worked remotely and they're not looking to change them now, so for the time being at least, everyone needs to be in the building. Well I figured that they would at least give us more sick days to take, considering the world is currently in a global pandemic and people are literally dying. But no. We still only get 3 paid sick days, with no ability to work from home.. Well, except for the managers apparently. Because today, my manager is currently working from home because he didn't feel well,…

So I work at a business where approx 95% of the work could be done from home. My job absolutely must be done in person, but pretty much the entire rest of the building can be done from home. The excuse that my company has given for not letting their employees work remotely, is that our phone systems cannot be worked remotely and they're not looking to change them now, so for the time being at least, everyone needs to be in the building.

Well I figured that they would at least give us more sick days to take, considering the world is currently in a global pandemic and people are literally dying. But no. We still only get 3 paid sick days, with no ability to work from home.. Well, except for the managers apparently. Because today, my manager is currently working from home because he didn't feel well, and didn't want to come into the building. So he's getting paid to be at home when that isn't even an option for the rest of us. He's had covid twice so far, and both times he hasn't lost any money because of it. Because he has the opportunity to just do whatever he needs to do from home.

This is getting ridiculous. Companies need to start getting their shit together and make it so that the normal employees don't have to fear not being able to pay their bills if they do end up getting sick. Actually, most people in my department will come in regardless of how they're feeling, because they know that they still need to get paid to be able to pay rent. This is such an unfair and corrupt system.

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