
I think I just worked myself out of a much needed co-worker

Long story short, I'm a new hire at the company. Shortly after starting, my co-worker was let go (completely his fault to be honest) and suddenly a job that really requires a bunch of training and two people was just me, with little training and certainly an overwhelming feeling of ” I have no idea what I'm doing right now”. I push through, learning as fast as I can, working myself to death, and putting in an unsustainable amount of effort to keep everything running. I'm barely getting by, catching up and then falling behind with the change in the wind. A couple months later, we're finally interviewing for his replacement, and day two into the interviews we get the notice that they're not longer hiring for that position, because it's not needed. Hours before choosing a replacement for my co-worker. Now, it's just me, dozens of hours were wasted…

Long story short,

I'm a new hire at the company. Shortly after starting, my co-worker was let go (completely his fault to be honest) and suddenly a job that really requires a bunch of training and two people was just me, with little training and certainly an overwhelming feeling of ” I have no idea what I'm doing right now”.

I push through, learning as fast as I can, working myself to death, and putting in an unsustainable amount of effort to keep everything running. I'm barely getting by, catching up and then falling behind with the change in the wind.

A couple months later, we're finally interviewing for his replacement, and day two into the interviews we get the notice that they're not longer hiring for that position, because it's not needed. Hours before choosing a replacement for my co-worker.

Now, it's just me, dozens of hours were wasted interviewing for my support, I'm further behind than ever, and I have no idea what to do. I'm paid decent, livable, but only just, so my co-worker would exactly be expensive either. This is ridiculous!

I can't just stop working because honestly lives could be on the line if I do.

Not sure what I can do here.

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