
I have PTO, but I am not allowed to use it, even though my boss said I could take the day off.

I recently started a new office job (which I could easily do from home, but I'm not eligible for hybrid until 6 months.) A friend of mine is having a bachelorette party and before I started the new job, I was 100% in with joining her. That is no longer the case. I had asked my bosses if I could take that day off and they told me I could, but it would be unpaid because I am still in my probationary period. The policy for PTO at this place is that new hires can't use their PTO until after their probationary period, unless they get supervisor permission. I originally thought that I had not accrued any PTO yet, but I checked my ADP account last night and I already have 16 hours (8 hours accrued per month and I have been here 2 months.) I asked my bosses about…

I recently started a new office job (which I could easily do from home, but I'm not eligible for hybrid until 6 months.) A friend of mine is having a bachelorette party and before I started the new job, I was 100% in with joining her. That is no longer the case. I had asked my bosses if I could take that day off and they told me I could, but it would be unpaid because I am still in my probationary period.

The policy for PTO at this place is that new hires can't use their PTO until after their probationary period, unless they get supervisor permission. I originally thought that I had not accrued any PTO yet, but I checked my ADP account last night and I already have 16 hours (8 hours accrued per month and I have been here 2 months.) I asked my bosses about this and they concurred.

So I had already asked them if I could take that day! I have the PTO. Essentially, they have not approved the time off, even though they said I could go, but it would be unpaid. I don't want to go to the party bad enough to sacrifice a day's worth of pay. (I am salary.) I don't really understand what is happening here. I asked for a day off well ahead of time. They want me to do it unpaid, even though I have already banked 2 PTO days. The policy even allows a person to go into the negative on PTO time, if they don't have any, and it gets deducted once more PTO is earned. I also offered to make up for the time I would be taking by staying later on other days (although I rarely have a full 8 hours worth of work as it is.)

They approved me to take the day off…but not really. I am basically just ranting now. I thought I was starting to like this place, but I am back to hating it and wanting to find someplace else with more common sense policies around PTO. This is not my first job! This is not entry level. I am being treated like a toddler.

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