
If a company has to pay to take a class on why the Great Resignation is happening, then they deserve to fail

Being a real estate agent I get lots of advertisements that are geared to business owners and HR people. (Agents are really independent contractors, mostly, so they run their own business.) But this one particularly is infuriating. It's a class (to business owners and HR personnel) to learn why people are leaving jobs. You can spend $200 to $900 on a class to tell you something that I think employers should already know. From the ad: • What is the Great Resignation and how can Employers mitigate the impact • Learn what the reasons are for employees leaving the workplace and what Employers can do to retain their employees. Well, make sure your employees are paid a decent wage and don't treat them like crap. Is that hard to understand? Saved you $900.

Being a real estate agent I get lots of advertisements that are geared to business owners and HR people. (Agents are really independent contractors, mostly, so they run their own business.)

But this one particularly is infuriating.

It's a class (to business owners and HR personnel) to learn why people are leaving jobs. You can spend $200 to $900 on a class to tell you something that I think employers should already know.

From the ad:

• What is the Great Resignation and how can Employers mitigate the impact

• Learn what the reasons are for employees leaving the workplace and what Employers can do to retain their employees.

Well, make sure your employees are paid a decent wage and don't treat them like crap. Is that hard to understand?

Saved you $900.

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