
You reap what you sow.

My bosses had a very annoying motto of “If it's not worth it to you, it's not worth it to me,”. Meaning, why should I try harder than you? Recently, I was able to use this against them. I was asked to do something I had only done once or twice but this time around the program wasn't as straightforward as it normally was. My questions went unanswered and I was told to “Just figure it out!” and told how urgent the thing was and to hurry up. So, I did my best and *Surprise Pikachu!!* It was done wrong. So, when I'm getting chewed out for it I say “If it's not worth it to you to answer my questions when I ask, it's not worth it to me to perform the task correctly,”. That ended the discussion and I'm back at my desk gloating.

My bosses had a very annoying motto of “If it's not worth it to you, it's not worth it to me,”. Meaning, why should I try harder than you? Recently, I was able to use this against them. I was asked to do something I had only done once or twice but this time around the program wasn't as straightforward as it normally was. My questions went unanswered and I was told to “Just figure it out!” and told how urgent the thing was and to hurry up. So, I did my best and *Surprise Pikachu!!* It was done wrong. So, when I'm getting chewed out for it I say “If it's not worth it to you to answer my questions when I ask, it's not worth it to me to perform the task correctly,”. That ended the discussion and I'm back at my desk gloating.

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