
Old job desperately keeps calling me to try to get me to come back.

There was a maintenance job I used to work 3rd shift, they laid me off during covid. So I took another full time position with another company during 1st shift. Well few months into COVID they called me and said I either need to show up next week during 1st shift to get the building up and running or resign immediately. I explained it isn’t happening because I work 1st shift at a new job and was told then I need to submit my resignation. About 2 years goes by and I go back to work for them part time, 3rd shift for some extra play money and to replace my other part time 3rd shift job. So I negotiated a 1$ over everyone else pay differential since I was now going to be acting supervisor. Come to find out, they were hiring new hires at the same rate I…

There was a maintenance job I used to work 3rd shift, they laid me off during covid. So I took another full time position with another company during 1st shift.

Well few months into COVID they called me and said I either need to show up next week during 1st shift to get the building up and running or resign immediately. I explained it isn’t happening because I work 1st shift at a new job and was told then I need to submit my resignation.

About 2 years goes by and I go back to work for them part time, 3rd shift for some extra play money and to replace my other part time 3rd shift job. So I negotiated a 1$ over everyone else pay differential since I was now going to be acting supervisor. Come to find out, they were hiring new hires at the same rate I was making without telling me. So I went to the negotiation table and gave both jobs and opportunity to compete for my time.

The first job came in with 2$ over what the supervisor/maintenance job was paying. Of course, the cheap pricks weren’t moving and willing to compete. So I left and kept the other job.

2 months go by and I get an email from the big boss. They desperately need me back because of my certifications, even if it’s only for a few hours a week just to keep operations going. They will pay me the current rate of the job I am doing now, just to come in on my spare time.

I never responded. A few days goes by and I get a phone call from the second in charge trying to talk me into coming back for a few hours a week. I ignored the call, instead, sent a text message with an hourly dollar amount equal to what the big boss was willing to pay, plus I wanted a company benefit free (usually employees get a 50% discount on their service, but I wanted the service for free).

I get a text back. The second in command offered me 1$ less than what the big boss was offering and ignored my request for the free service.

I completely just ended all communication at that point. Fuck that guy. Honestly it isn’t about the money or the dollar figure, I would have done it for much less just to get the service for free. Which is only like 50$ a month.

So a few days ago, I get a voicemail. Same guy, offering .50 over my original ask. Then I get a text message an hour later, now offering my original ask. Like seriously you are going to low ball your first offer by .50 within an hour?

So today I get another phone call. They are now desperate. The other person that has the same certification that works there, is now leaving. They are open to negotiations and want me to name a price so they aren’t forced into shutting down part of their operations until they can find someone with the same certifications.

SMH. They are finding out first hand that their abusive tactics backfired.

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