
Normalize missing work when your family is sick.

I work as a manager in a small nursing home. Everyday, all the managers meet and discuss the happenings of the day. Today while discussing call ins, it was said someone called in bc their mother was in the hospital. A manager spoke up and said something along the lines of “what are they going to do for their mother? They should be at work.” I responded that I would be missing work if my mother were in the hospital. The rebuttal was “my mom was sick in the hospital a lot and I never missed work” as if that was some sort of slam dunk or burn? That manager’s mother has passed… and I’m sure the manager would like to have had all that hospital time with her, if she actually thought about it instead of spewing bootlicking, company above family, toxic ass mentality. Fortunately that manager has no…

I work as a manager in a small nursing home. Everyday, all the managers meet and discuss the happenings of the day.

Today while discussing call ins, it was said someone called in bc their mother was in the hospital. A manager spoke up and said something along the lines of “what are they going to do for their mother? They should be at work.” I responded that I would be missing work if my mother were in the hospital. The rebuttal was “my mom was sick in the hospital a lot and I never missed work” as if that was some sort of slam dunk or burn?
That manager’s mother has passed… and I’m sure the manager would like to have had all that hospital time with her, if she actually thought about it instead of spewing bootlicking, company above family, toxic ass mentality.

Fortunately that manager has no one under them so they are only able to run their mouth.

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