
After two decades of working experience, if I’ve learned anything I’ve learned that narcissism is the primary motivation for management. Another confirming experience today reinforces this conclusion.

At this point in my relationship with this particular human as my supervisor, I’ll admit I’m thoroughly biased and I actually outright not only loathe the man and his presence, I downright hate him and everything he represents. I have a long list of experiences informing my thoughts/feelings about this prick. I drew inspiration from this antiwork community for my motivation and cause this morning in an interaction I had with this prick of a boss this morning. He abruptly barged into my office and demanded I stop what I was working on and immediately change my time sheet to falsify my records. Of course, my mind was thinking “I can’t do this because it’s illegal and it’s actually the precise sort of activity you’ve baselessly accused me of doing multiple times in the past!” Thinking quickly about the motivations, intentions, and expectations of narcissists and their primary need for…

At this point in my relationship with this particular human as my supervisor, I’ll admit I’m thoroughly biased and I actually outright not only loathe the man and his presence, I downright hate him and everything he represents. I have a long list of experiences informing my thoughts/feelings about this prick.

I drew inspiration from this antiwork community for my motivation and cause this morning in an interaction I had with this prick of a boss this morning.

He abruptly barged into my office and demanded I stop what I was working on and immediately change my time sheet to falsify my records. Of course, my mind was thinking “I can’t do this because it’s illegal and it’s actually the precise sort of activity you’ve baselessly accused me of doing multiple times in the past!”

Thinking quickly about the motivations, intentions, and expectations of narcissists and their primary need for ego satiation, I simply replied with “OK, sure: you are the boss”, and this asshole smiled and left my office, seemingly pleased with himself. I’m confident he’ll leave me the hell alone for a greater span of time now and into the future since for him I just simply gave the asshole what he wanted which is simply total control and 100% compliance from his “subordinates”.

These douche bags are all about narcissism and never challenging their authorit-ay and have a desperate, pathetic need for immediate compliance/control with zero questions. Once again, this otherwise insignificant, mundane experience this morning goes to show what’s going on with management at a fundamental level, typically. What they really are is hustlers constantly in a big rush to satiate their personal egos: when it’s boiled down this is all there is to it really.

Thanks for your inspiration today all you wise anti workers out there.

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