
Sales job threatens to cut pay

Like many others, when COVID hit, I was out of a job. Landed a new job in sales, but it's 1099 work, even though they act like we are salaried… Anyway, this “boss” of mine who has never had a job outside of working for his uncle, is a part owner because the initial founder needed additional cash flow and this guy happened to have it. He threatens us regularly with stupid shit and this was the latest one I woke up to this morning. ​ To give more context to this “boss” of mine – he has hired his two younger brothers, and one of their wife's without looking at other candidates. Furthermore, makes suggestive comments almost daily to his sister in law including “Damn girl. You look good today. $500 bonus if you give me a kiss”. Additionally told me that he wants to get a Mercedes…

Like many others, when COVID hit, I was out of a job. Landed a new job in sales, but it's 1099 work, even though they act like we are salaried… Anyway, this “boss” of mine who has never had a job outside of working for his uncle, is a part owner because the initial founder needed additional cash flow and this guy happened to have it. He threatens us regularly with stupid shit and this was the latest one I woke up to this morning.

To give more context to this “boss” of mine – he has hired his two younger brothers, and one of their wife's without looking at other candidates. Furthermore, makes suggestive comments almost daily to his sister in law including “Damn girl. You look good today. $500 bonus if you give me a kiss”. Additionally told me that he wants to get a Mercedes G Wagon to try to impress people for in person meetings that happen maybe once a quarter.

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