
I left early for high fever on orders of my AGM. The GM comes BUSTING down my door an hour later and calls the cops.

Yes, as the title says this story is batshit crazy and just shows how awful managers are to their workers. (This happened a few weeks ago.) I am a 23F and work at a nice daycare. We are still doing some covid screenings (mainly temp checks and masking). I went into work that morning feeling fine and great but as I went on, started feeling really tired and sick. My assistant general manager (kind of like the vice principal) saw me resting during nap time and asked if she could check my temp. I had plan on coming to her anyways when I got a break for lunch but I’m lucky she found me because my fever was 102! She’s an amazing woman and immediately sent me home with instructions not to return until I felt 100% better. I went home and pooped some pills and fell asleep on the…

Yes, as the title says this story is batshit crazy and just shows how awful managers are to their workers. (This happened a few weeks ago.)

I am a 23F and work at a nice daycare. We are still doing some covid screenings (mainly temp checks and masking). I went into work that morning feeling fine and great but as I went on, started feeling really tired and sick.

My assistant general manager (kind of like the vice principal) saw me resting during nap time and asked if she could check my temp. I had plan on coming to her anyways when I got a break for lunch but I’m lucky she found me because my fever was 102! She’s an amazing woman and immediately sent me home with instructions not to return until I felt 100% better.

I went home and pooped some pills and fell asleep on the couch. My husband was still at work so I was home by myself. I get woken up probably an hour later by loud, and I mean fist pounding loud, banging on my front door. My dog is going nuts and I go grab our gun because I’m thinking it’s someone trying to break in. I peek out the peephole and my general manager (principal) is beating on my front door screaming my name.

I’m not answering the door. I’m honestly scared. She is screaming that I need to come back to work and I didn’t tell her I left so without a positive covid test, I HAD to come back. Fuck that. I go back to my room hoping she just goes away. My car is parked in the garage So there isn’t really anyway she can see if I’m actually home or not.

After a couple of minutes I get a phone call from my mom (who lives FOUR HOURS AWAY) sobbing that my GM called her saying I was MISSING. MISSING. My boss knew I was home and, if honest to god was worried I was missing, would have called my HUSBAND who is my FIRST contact that actually lives in the same fucking state. I’m livid at this point because I had to explain to my mom what happened as my boss starts banging on my door.

I walk to the door and yank it open with my mom still on the phone when I see police officers outside. This WOMAN CALLED THE POLICE FOR A WELFARE CHECK.

For those of you wondering, “well if she went as far as to call the cops that you were missing, maybe she thought you were?” No. I know this because, after explaining to the officers I was fine and just sick, she smugly walks up to me and says, and I freaking quote, “I knew you were there, you need to come back immediately we have no one to cover you. I’ll wait out here to follow you.”

I told her to fuck off and if she ever came back to my house ID call the police for a restraining order. I never went back and put in a report to the corporate branch and, from what my friends told me, they canned her after an investigation.

Sorry for the long post but I’m still in shock of it all. Apparently she harassed other teachers as well. All this mess because I went home sick to protect my students.

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