
Coworker is driving up my blood pressure but doesn’t seem to be bothered that her attitude is stressing me out.

I had started a new job roughly three months ago and, for the most part, it’s been all right. With this one, I now have sick leave, vacation time, and can contribute to a 401k, which is far better than the zero benefits I had at my previous job. Within a week of working, however, I realized that one of my coworkers is possibly one of the most negative people I’ve ever met and thinks that everyone around her is stupid. I was willing to deal with this but my patience broke when she yelled at me for clearing a prep fridge that should have been cleared by the day crew. I didn’t really have a problem with doing it but she screamed, “Stop making excuses for them!” She’s not above me in any way other than she’s been here longer. Rather than confronting her about it, I bottled up…

I had started a new job roughly three months ago and, for the most part, it’s been all right. With this one, I now have sick leave, vacation time, and can contribute to a 401k, which is far better than the zero benefits I had at my previous job. Within a week of working, however, I realized that one of my coworkers is possibly one of the most negative people I’ve ever met and thinks that everyone around her is stupid.

I was willing to deal with this but my patience broke when she yelled at me for clearing a prep fridge that should have been cleared by the day crew. I didn’t really have a problem with doing it but she screamed, “Stop making excuses for them!” She’s not above me in any way other than she’s been here longer. Rather than confronting her about it, I bottled up that anger, rushed through my work, and went home.

I had a bad headache when I got home and was still feeling hot. My mom had me check my blood pressure and it was 200-something/126. Suffice to say, we made an appointment to go get myself checked out.

The doctor at the clinic ended up prescribing me a low dose of lisinopril. Told me to keep track of my blood pressure over the next two weeks. Everything was mostly fine until last night.

Our boss had mentioned that she wanted that coworker to show us how to do truck orders, something that I had experience doing at my previous job. When I told that coworker about it, she straight up said that she thought I was too of a ditz and that she didn’t think I could do it because I’m always, in her opinion, doing stupid things and asking stupid questions. I’ll admit that I do sometimes ask obvious questions but it’s because I want to be 100% sure of what I’m doing.

I ended up bottling it up again and went to work. She asked me why I was so quiet, I told her off. She said she was “sorry for hurting your feelings” but I told her that she’s obviously not sorry because she wouldn’t have said it in the first place.

Of course, my blood pressure went up again. I did what I needed to do and texted my boss to tell her I was going home early.

Went to get a check up on my blood pressure and the doctor increased the dosage because it’s still overall high; it was 153/89 when I got there.

I told my boss that she needs to put me on another shift. I just can’t work with someone who legit thinks I’m stupid.

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