
I didn’t get a day off for 3 months and still got yelled at for missing a day.

I used to work at a Burgerking in my hometown, I literally only got hired because it was a small town and the hiring manager had known me since I was insanely little. She gave me the 90 day probation talk, gave me my uniform, and that was that. It was actually pretty cool during the first month, the team was awesome and my pay was pretty good for being 18 and in part time. Fast forward a week or so after my first month and my schedule was insane, I was working 2pm to 1am and usually kept longer for overtime and then the next day 8am to 5pm and kept overtime and my schedule kept changing back and forth between those times. After about a week of working that schedule I was insanely exhausted and it was so bad to the point where I was physically sick, I…

I used to work at a Burgerking in my hometown, I literally only got hired because it was a small town and the hiring manager had known me since I was insanely little. She gave me the 90 day probation talk, gave me my uniform, and that was that. It was actually pretty cool during the first month, the team was awesome and my pay was pretty good for being 18 and in part time. Fast forward a week or so after my first month and my schedule was insane, I was working 2pm to 1am and usually kept longer for overtime and then the next day 8am to 5pm and kept overtime and my schedule kept changing back and forth between those times. After about a week of working that schedule I was insanely exhausted and it was so bad to the point where I was physically sick, I had finally gotten a couple days off so I went with my friends to a place like 6 hours away and my boss tried calling me in. I explained “No sorry I cannot go in I'm out of town cause these are my days off” and she got itritated and told me to go in as soon as I got back in town. I did that, I honestly thought she was going to fire me but she just wanted me to work a late shift. I shit you not- my schedule was 2pm-1am and then the next day 8am-5pm for 3 months with no days off. I'd have a total of 16 hours time to sleep and have fun in those 2 days, one day would be 7 hours and the other would be 9. About 3 months in I asked her for a day off and she conpletely flipped out on me. “You're always asking for a day off because you are sick, if you miss tomorrow you're gonna be fired or written up because i really need you!” So i went in. a wee after that i got blackout drunk, called her, and literally BAWLED. My grandpa was in a house i couldnt see him during covid and i missed him and the overworking plus that had me so overwhelmed i just broke down and asked for a week off. She tried to comvince me i needed to be around people to feel better but i was like nah so she gave me the week off and then the week after that i wasnt scheduled again so i took advantage of it. I didnt pick up any calls or texts and i ignored every body who tried to communicate with me. After another team member who was doing the same job as me and getting paid the same as me tried to threaten to fire me (not her job, shes just one of those) I walked in and told them i was movng and i was quitting they said okay and that was the end of it. I got my last check which the one manager i did like opened up for me over facetime (i wasnt going to go all the way back there) it was literally .82 cents. And thats my story.

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