
Quit a job back in January at a hospital.

As title says, I left a decent job at a hospital nearby my home. I was a contractor. 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. I was a material handler. Basically restocked the supply rooms on the different floors of the hospital I was responsible for. I was there for about 5 months. I was working 10am-8pm. Wednesday-saturday. Not my preferred work time because it left me little time to do things before or after work. 3 days off a week was certainly nice though. Multiple times I had asked for 8am-6pm instead. I got the run around from the boss telling me that he'll look into it. I initially thought my boss was a good dude. He would buy food for us fairly regularly. And was generally nice to talk to. Riiight up until you have to call out for any reason. I will say I wasn't yelled at…

As title says, I left a decent job at a hospital nearby my home.

I was a contractor.

10 hour shifts 4 days a week. I was a material handler. Basically restocked the supply rooms on the different floors of the hospital I was responsible for. I was there for about 5 months.

I was working 10am-8pm. Wednesday-saturday. Not my preferred work time because it left me little time to do things before or after work. 3 days off a week was certainly nice though. Multiple times I had asked for 8am-6pm instead. I got the run around from the boss telling me that he'll look into it.

I initially thought my boss was a good dude. He would buy food for us fairly regularly. And was generally nice to talk to. Riiight up until you have to call out for any reason.

I will say I wasn't yelled at or anything. But his true character showed.

I had a medical issue. For several months I had a small abscess in the middle of my upper back. Basically right on top of my spine. It hadn't bothered me from the day I noticed it up until it finally did start bothering me. It started growing, and getting painful. This was on Tuesday. I decided rather than going to a doctor that day to get it taken care of I would give it the day to see if it would get better on it's own. Spoiler : it didn't. Wednesday morning I texted my boss letting him know I had a medical issue I needed to get taken care of. And instead of just saying okay, he decided that I needed to be guilt tripped for not coming in.

After I got the abscess drained, I tried to go into work. But left shortly after arriving, because 2 guys that I worked with normally had told me they weren't even expecting me to come in.

I went in the next day and I ended up quitting on the spot. The stress of working a time frame I didn't want on top of dealing with the healing cut on my back didn't mix well. Also the guilt tripping. Not a fan. I called my contracting company letting them know I was quitting and called my boss right after telling him as such. He made another attempt at guilt tripping trying to get me to stay for two weeks to find a replacement for me. I essentially said no, but with more words. I was just done being there.

As many others have said in this sub know your worth. You don't have to be guilt tripped, yelled at, or anything like that in any job.

I now work for a country wide gas company as help desk making more than I did at the hospital.

Side note. I have before and after pictures of the spot on my back. I will admit it was super large or anything. But just looking at it you could tell it hurt. Link to imgur below.

Not the most exciting story I suppose, but I wanted to get my own personal story out there just because.

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