
Is this feeling “burnout”?

I get this feeling on a consistent basis that my brain feels like it’s on fire, like you could fry an egg on it. My head is hot to the touch. I can’t focus at work and I sometimes have to close the door and f****** lie down in the darkness because can’t look at that goddamned computer screen anymore. My job doesn’t matter, but everything is an emergency at all times. I can’t even take the smallest hiccup anymore. It’s affecting my ability to THINK and RETAIN information outside work. Did I take my medication? Did I feed the dogs? Did I book that appointment? Who f****** knows! I have another job lined up that I think I’ll lol a lot more, just waiting on references and an offer but I want to quit right now. I seriously need a break where I don’t look at a screen for…

I get this feeling on a consistent basis that my brain feels like it’s on fire, like you could fry an egg on it. My head is hot to the touch. I can’t focus at work and I sometimes have to close the door and f****** lie down in the darkness because can’t look at that goddamned computer screen anymore. My job doesn’t matter, but everything is an emergency at all times. I can’t even take the smallest hiccup anymore. It’s affecting my ability to THINK and RETAIN information outside work. Did I take my medication? Did I feed the dogs? Did I book that appointment? Who f****** knows!

I have another job lined up that I think I’ll lol a lot more, just waiting on references and an offer but I want to quit right now. I seriously need a break where I don’t look at a screen for a good week or more.

Is this burnout, do I have adhd? No one I’ve spoken to can confirm they get this sensation I’ve described.

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