
Work keeps scheduling when I am unavailable.

So, when I started this job part time back in May, I told them that I had open availability Except for Tuesday evening. I have a D&D game on Tuesday that has been going on for 3 years but work doesn’t need to know that. Anyways, I filled out my availability sheet listing open availability every day and then Tuesday only until 5. Yet somehow, every week I have to let the manager know that I got scheduled for Tuesday closing. I have told both the assistant manager and the manager this, and yet it keeps happening. Typically when I let them know, they remove the Tuesday shift from my schedule without replacing it with another one. Well, next week I ONLY have the Tuesday shift. It is my only scheduled shift for the week, and if I tell them I can’t to the shift I probably won’t get another…

So, when I started this job part time back in May, I told them that I had open availability Except for Tuesday evening. I have a D&D game on Tuesday that has been going on for 3 years but work doesn’t need to know that.
Anyways, I filled out my availability sheet listing open availability every day and then Tuesday only until 5.
Yet somehow, every week I have to let the manager know that I got scheduled for Tuesday closing. I have told both the assistant manager and the manager this, and yet it keeps happening. Typically when I let them know, they remove the Tuesday shift from my schedule without replacing it with another one.
Well, next week I ONLY have the Tuesday shift. It is my only scheduled shift for the week, and if I tell them I can’t to the shift I probably won’t get another one. I am just getting back from vacation so I am afraid if I don’t take the shift I won’t have any hours and will be terminated for not being scheduled for too long.
However, if I cave and take the shift, I am afraid they will hold that against me and not let me fight the scheduling anymore. Again, this is something I have discussed with both the store manager and assistant manager who are the ones who do the scheduling. Are they allowed to do this? Should I try to call upper management or something? I do need the money from the job but this scheduling is starting to feel malicious.

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