
Those of you that have quit your toxic jobs recently – how is it going? Do you have any regrets? Have you found a better job? How long did it take you to find a new job?

I do enjoy the actual work I do (design) and my job has great benefits but I am insanely overworked/underpaid & the stress is really eating at me. The structure of the company is falling apart, my entire team is stressed & management is a bit delusional. I feel like I am getting close to my breaking point and would love to hear from others who have left their toxic work environments.

I do enjoy the actual work I do (design) and my job has great benefits but I am insanely overworked/underpaid & the stress is really eating at me. The structure of the company is falling apart, my entire team is stressed & management is a bit delusional. I feel like I am getting close to my breaking point and would love to hear from others who have left their toxic work environments.

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