
Just had the 2nd round of interview for both places and they both said they’ll get back to me…

One was a working interview though for 4hr and still said we will get back to you, is a working interview legal? I’m in CA. Also, might do a career change cause it’s hard to get into what I went to school for… I’m holding off on getting high incase one of them wants to do a drug test IF they do offer me…. But man. It’s depressing giving 4hrs of your time, no pay, no nothing, to not be offered at the end of it. Just a rant. How are you guys doing?

One was a working interview though for 4hr and still said we will get back to you, is a working interview legal? I’m in CA.

Also, might do a career change cause it’s hard to get into what I went to school for… I’m holding off on getting high incase one of them wants to do a drug test IF they do offer me…. But man. It’s depressing giving 4hrs of your time, no pay, no nothing, to not be offered at the end of it.
Just a rant. How are you guys doing?

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