
Quit on a client today

I lost a paper and then my client got mad. I talked to another guy who said the paper was not really necessary and he was going to send over the other info anyways. He's working on it. So I told my guy to call the guy we'll call “bob” I said if you want to make sure it gets done just keep ringing him till he responds. I said it's not my f-ing responsibility, if you want to get it done call bob…then he said “you lost the papers” So I said “f- you” and left. But really, I spent an entire day being berated about something I have no control over if I have the paper or not. The paper isn't even an official form that makes the task complete. He insists they need it and I'm explaining that “bob” is really the guy doing the important submitting…

I lost a paper and then my client got mad. I talked to another guy who said the paper was not really necessary and he was going to send over the other info anyways. He's working on it. So I told my guy to call the guy we'll call “bob” I said if you want to make sure it gets done just keep ringing him till he responds.

I said it's not my f-ing responsibility, if you want to get it done call bob…then he said “you lost the papers”

So I said “f- you” and left. But really, I spent an entire day being berated about something I have no control over if I have the paper or not. The paper isn't even an official form that makes the task complete. He insists they need it and I'm explaining that “bob” is really the guy doing the important submitting of the papers.

But so and so said they wanted copies of the other stuff…again, it's a miscue not on my part. Not a damn thing I can do about it, but stop taking this crap.

Luckily I've got many other nice people lined up to work with and might even have the damn people within walking distances which means an open air commute on a pair of boots or shoes 🙂

There is only so much you can do and there is only so much you can take, but ideally sometimes it's best to end more civil terms. I don't recommend f-you…just say it without saying it “I'm done” leave…no need to go the extra mile.

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