
This is the reward I get for all those extra shifts?

My mum died in april. I got one week off and didn’t complain about it. Didn’t even complain that they called me during that time to see if I could take an extra shift. Didn’t say anything when they made me feel like a problem for going to her funeral. All summer I’ve taken extra shifts. I’ve even done it without them asking. When I called in sick one morning and they then called me in for the evening shift I did it. I’ve done it because it’s an absolute mess and I don’t wanna be a problem. I’ve been doing it for two years, taking so many extra shifts, canceling my own plans to help out. Now I said no to working extra this weekend. I’m at the point where it takes me hours and hours to get out of bed in the morning on the days I actually…

My mum died in april. I got one week off and didn’t complain about it. Didn’t even complain that they called me during that time to see if I could take an extra shift. Didn’t say anything when they made me feel like a problem for going to her funeral.

All summer I’ve taken extra shifts. I’ve even done it without them asking. When I called in sick one morning and they then called me in for the evening shift I did it. I’ve done it because it’s an absolute mess and I don’t wanna be a problem. I’ve been doing it for two years, taking so many extra shifts, canceling my own plans to help out.

Now I said no to working extra this weekend. I’m at the point where it takes me hours and hours to get out of bed in the morning on the days I actually have off. At work I cry in the car between visists. So I told them no. I can’t do it.

Then they fucking order me in. Saturday and sunday. Yes they can. It’s healtcare and so they totally can. And they fucking did it. Called me on my day off, and I’ve spent all of it crying because I’m so fucking tired. I just wanted some fucking rest.

Fuck this. Fuck fucking everything.

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