
My job is ending our receptionist position in favor of call centers booking appointments.

I work in a corporate dog grooming salon; the receptionist position is fairly new, about a year old. The position is essential for the safety of us and our dogs—we don’t have to stop every five seconds to answer the phone, especially if we’re dealing with reactive dogs, senior dogs, puppies, etc. Corporate decided to end the position for ALL stores because SOME stores weren’t busy enough for one and it was wasting them money. Our store, among many others, are steadily busy and absolutely fuckshit crazy on the weekends where customers and phones are nonstop. I get to work Monday to find out that our receptionist is so angry to the point of tears. She tells me that the phones haven’t been ringing at all, I ask why. She says that the job of booking and making appointments was given to some corporate call center, who the fuck knows…

I work in a corporate dog grooming salon; the receptionist position is fairly new, about a year old. The position is essential for the safety of us and our dogs—we don’t have to stop every five seconds to answer the phone, especially if we’re dealing with reactive dogs, senior dogs, puppies, etc.

Corporate decided to end the position for ALL stores because SOME stores weren’t busy enough for one and it was wasting them money. Our store, among many others, are steadily busy and absolutely fuckshit crazy on the weekends where customers and phones are nonstop.

I get to work Monday to find out that our receptionist is so angry to the point of tears. She tells me that the phones haven’t been ringing at all, I ask why. She says that the job of booking and making appointments was given to some corporate call center, who the fuck knows where. Gee, if only there was someone who was specifically trained to do the job they’re doing without having to go through the call center first AND THEN be transferred to the salon.

Customers are pissed too, especially the regulars. Several have demanded to speak directly to the salon and some have even said that they’re not coming back.

Our receptionist is responsible for other things too, like making sure the grooming staff has plenty of appointments. (hairstylists get commission, bathers do not. I am a bather.)
She makes 16 week calls to get appts if we’re underbooked, she makes confirmation calls, she reschedules for us and is generally a huge helping hand. Now she’s having her hours cut in half due to losing her position in the salon and being moved to the sales floor.

We’ve decided to fight back in terms of emails and reviews, but unfortunately I think it’s a lost cause.

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