
Found out I have cancer and now I want to quit. Advice?

Sorry if there’s bad formatting, I’m on mobile. So in April I (23F) had to get a mole removed which I found out was potentially cancerous. Got the all clear moved on, graduated uni etc. When I got the biopsy results back I was told I would need a second surgery “just in case” so I was like ‘cool no problem! Better out than in!” That surgery was 2 weeks ago and 3 weeks ago I started working in retail to try save up for some extra money during my masters. Once I got home from surgery (where they had to remove more skin than they initially thought) I found out that I have stage 1 melanoma and it’s likely I’m going to need multiple more surgeries as I have more moles on me that look suspicious. When I had my interview and induction I explained this to my manager…

Sorry if there’s bad formatting, I’m on mobile.

So in April I (23F) had to get a mole removed which I found out was potentially cancerous. Got the all clear moved on, graduated uni etc. When I got the biopsy results back I was told I would need a second surgery “just in case” so I was like ‘cool no problem! Better out than in!”

That surgery was 2 weeks ago and 3 weeks ago I started working in retail to try save up for some extra money during my masters. Once I got home from surgery (where they had to remove more skin than they initially thought) I found out that I have stage 1 melanoma and it’s likely I’m going to need multiple more surgeries as I have more moles on me that look suspicious.

When I had my interview and induction I explained this to my manager who said he was fine with it but at the time I didn’t know it was cancer, just some skin removal. Got a fit note from my surgeon to be out of work for two weeks which my manager wasn’t happy about. I’m now due to go back tomorrow but some of the things said during my time off has made me question whether it’s actually worth staying there.

For example, when I applied the job was listed as day shifts and I’ve been put on the “late shift” where I don’t finish until 11pm. It’s in a rough area and so I feel very unsafe about getting home alone as a woman. (I also live 2 miles away and have to get late taxis alone which cost me nearly 2 hours of wages) I brought this up to the manager to ask if my shifts could be brought forward or changed and essentially was told no and that this was what I signed up for, when it wasn’t. They have also explained to me that if I do need more surgeries, I’ll have to have them done and try heal in between working otherwise I could lose my job which I get.

I don’t want to make the post too long but theres been more minor things on top of that. I don’t want to leave as I’m so happy that I’ve managed to find a job in my area which was really hard but I value my health more than a part time retail job, but I can’t help but feel guilty that I’m planning on quitting tomorrow to focus on beating cancer.

What should I do? How do I bring up the subject with them? Sorry if I’ve explained poorly.

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