
My company screwed over a friend of mine for leaving for a better job, higher pay and upward advancement

TL;DR – Friend went to new company and previous boss caused enough problems that friend is out of work for 30 days. Friend of mine and my helper at my job was given a great opportunity at another company. A few of the benefits were an almost 50% pay increase, better insurance, better hours and the new company promised (and already has begun) to “cert him out” in a few much sought after methods. The only downside to this opportunity was that it was an immediate need, as in he got the call on a Thurs night and was needed to start the following Monday. He told me Friday morning and I asked him why he even came in today lol. He finished the day with us though and on the way home he told our boss what’s up, that he was leaving effective immediately for a better job etc.…

TL;DR – Friend went to new company and previous boss caused enough problems that friend is out of work for 30 days.

Friend of mine and my helper at my job was given a great opportunity at another company. A few of the benefits were an almost 50% pay increase, better insurance, better hours and the new company promised (and already has begun) to “cert him out” in a few much sought after methods. The only downside to this opportunity was that it was an immediate need, as in he got the call on a Thurs night and was needed to start the following Monday. He told me Friday morning and I asked him why he even came in today lol. He finished the day with us though and on the way home he told our boss what’s up, that he was leaving effective immediately for a better job etc. (Backstory: our company has already said they were NOT pushing to get any of us our higher level certifications). Boss at first was like ok whatever and that was that. Fast forward to Monday morning. My friend is starting his new job but has a few days of training and on-boarding to go through. Boss starts phishing us to find who he went to work for and unfortunately someone spills the beans and boss finds out. (Person who told did not do it maliciously, he had no clue was boss had in mind). Boss immediately begins calling the new company and complaining that they were poaching workers etc. He also called the facility that my friend was going to work at with the same complaint. He caused so much problems for my friends new company and the client that the client put a 30 day hold on my friends entry badge. Now my friend is out of work for 30 days unless his new company can dig up some busy work for him. My company also is holding his last paycheck until “all company property is returned” even though he left everything he had be issued either on the job site or at our shop. Since it was not handed gift wrapped to our boss, he wouldn’t sign off on it being returned until after checks were cut which was yesterday.

Edited to for privacy*

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