
My job gave me stomach pain, anxiety and nauseous. I want out, but can’t yet

I hate my job with a passion. I was in an entry-level job before that I didn't make much but I was very comfortable, I had a social life after work, do what I like to do even if it was just chilling on bed at weekends. Now with this job, it's like a level up, better money but not as much. Not worth the stress, anxiety it gives me every morning walking into that building. The job isn't too difficult or complicated. I can manage just fine. But the workplace is too toxic. Everyone competing with each other. Back stabbing, condescending, two faces. I just can't anymore. I just wanna come in for work, go home, end of month collecting my check. I don't want to come in early, leave one hour late just so I could look good with management. Here I have to compete too because if…

I hate my job with a passion. I was in an entry-level job before that I didn't make much but I was very comfortable, I had a social life after work, do what I like to do even if it was just chilling on bed at weekends.

Now with this job, it's like a level up, better money but not as much. Not worth the stress, anxiety it gives me every morning walking into that building.

The job isn't too difficult or complicated. I can manage just fine. But the workplace is too toxic. Everyone competing with each other. Back stabbing, condescending, two faces. I just can't anymore. I just wanna come in for work, go home, end of month collecting my check. I don't want to come in early, leave one hour late just so I could look good with management.

Here I have to compete too because if I don't, I'm a loser stupid or something.

I just want out. I'm looking for jobs but it's not that easy.

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