
Considering moving from my current job, it’s my first full time job and I don’t know what to think

I'm a long time browser of this sub and I figured you'd be good people to understand my situation. ​ Its my first full time job as I said. I have worked in this medical office for the past year now and while I love the patients and my coworkers but I feel as though I'm being taken advantage of by my bosses. To preface my bosses are the doctor who owns the practice and an office manager. When I was initially hired I was informed that I would get a post training bump of 1$ an hour from my initial $14 an hour after 3 months by the office manager. I was also told being cross trained in other jobs would provide a 50 cent increase to my hourly rate. After 4 months of working there and constant badgering for a month I got a raise of $1.50. At…

I'm a long time browser of this sub and I figured you'd be good people to understand my situation.

Its my first full time job as I said. I have worked in this medical office for the past year now and while I love the patients and my coworkers but I feel as though I'm being taken advantage of by my bosses. To preface my bosses are the doctor who owns the practice and an office manager. When I was initially hired I was informed that I would get a post training bump of 1$ an hour from my initial $14 an hour after 3 months by the office manager. I was also told being cross trained in other jobs would provide a 50 cent increase to my hourly rate. After 4 months of working there and constant badgering for a month I got a raise of $1.50. At this point I had been cross trained in clinical work (I was initially hired to perform hearing tests) so the math made sense to me. It was a bit annoying but that I had to pester them for it but people can be busy whatever.

Fast forward to now, about 8-9 months later, I have been cross trained in multiple other fields such as allergy and surgical assistance. I have not received another raise despite bringing it up multiple times with the office manager over the past two months, she says that I'll be getting a yearly evaluation but that, and I quote “honestly the best we could probably do is a 3% bump”. I was also informed that the raise I received earlier in the year was for everything that I had been cross trained in and that a post training bump is not a thing that this company does. To be fair the office manager now is different from the one that hired me but I still feel like I'm being cheated out of wages that I am owed. On top of that they want me to study and take a test to be able to sell hearing aids, which I would be very excited about if they had not said it comes without a pay bump and I'd only be making 5% commission. Granted hearing aids are expensive as gold toilet paper and that's like $200 per sale but I would be solely responsible for convincing our patients they needs hearing ands and I would also have to sign a contract to stay with the practice for a minimum of a year.

As I said I love our patients and I don't want to leave them without care, because I am the last medical assistant she has in certain offices and without me she would only have 1 part time worker in said offices. At the same time however the reason that there are so few employees is because the doctor who owns the practice expects the maximum amount of work out of her employees for as little pay as she can get away with. We have had multiple people quit or try to negotiate a raise and instead of offering to raise their pay they just waved them out the door. Every time this is done they offload that employees workload to everyone left instead of hiring new people. I am the last one left and I'm fucking tired but I feel almost obligated to stay for these people because I'm the last fucking one.

I guess I know what I have to do but I really don't want to do it because despite all this the office manager is actually very nice and try's to help out us employees but the doctor is so incredibly cheap that she hasn't even restocked our crash carts for the allergy dept. because apparently the expiration date is more a suggestion and “we can call 911 anyway”.

Rant over I guess, does anyone have any advice? I feel stuck.

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