
How can I insist that I don’t do in-person meetings?

How do I politely insist that I don't do in-person meetings? I've been working from home as a content writer since COVID began. My job has always been remote, pays decently, and I love working from home. No commute, I get to hang out with my dogs all day, and it's a more efficient use of my time. I also have terrible social anxiety, so it's just a lot easier and less panic-inducing for me to meet through video or phone calls. The problem is that I live locally – a few key people in the company are also in my area, and a lot of our clients tend to be as well. One of our new clients (who I am rewriting a website for) has insisted twice that I come into an in-person meeting. First I said I was not available for an in-person meeting. Then, I asked him…

How do I politely insist that I don't do in-person meetings?

I've been working from home as a content writer since COVID began. My job has always been remote, pays decently, and I love working from home. No commute, I get to hang out with my dogs all day, and it's a more efficient use of my time. I also have terrible social anxiety, so it's just a lot easier and less panic-inducing for me to meet through video or phone calls.

The problem is that I live locally – a few key people in the company are also in my area, and a lot of our clients tend to be as well. One of our new clients (who I am rewriting a website for) has insisted twice that I come into an in-person meeting. First I said I was not available for an in-person meeting. Then, I asked him if he would rather I join through phone or Zoom. He replied, “in person,” and said a conference call would be awkward. I don't want to come off as rude but this is a boundary I have to keep – if I go in-person for one client, what if more and more start asking? The whole appeal of this job is that it is remote!!!!

How can I insist that I don't do in-person meetings?

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