
Employed for 3 years, wage is 0.09 cents higher than new employees

As stated, I’ve been employed at my job for 3 years [Canada]. To give some kind of idea of what I do, I am a teacher for children with special needs…specifically children under 5 years of age. My job is very physically demanding. It’s an 8-5pm mon-fri job. Last year, I was pregnant and my place of employment refused to accommodate me during this time. I have a very specific condition during pregnancy that causes major mobility issues that eventually leads to me being on crutches/in a wheelchair. My symptoms begin immediately and get increasingly worse as my pregnancy goes on. Due to the lack of accommodations (being able to sit, have less physically demanding clients, breaks, shorter sessions, have someone overlap when possible) I had to take a “sick leave” – which for non Canadians, it’s a 16 week leave approved by the government where I receive 55% of…

As stated, I’ve been employed at my job for 3 years [Canada]. To give some kind of idea of what I do, I am a teacher for children with special needs…specifically children under 5 years of age. My job is very physically demanding. It’s an 8-5pm mon-fri job.

Last year, I was pregnant and my place of employment refused to accommodate me during this time. I have a very specific condition during pregnancy that causes major mobility issues that eventually leads to me being on crutches/in a wheelchair. My symptoms begin immediately and get increasingly worse as my pregnancy goes on. Due to the lack of accommodations (being able to sit, have less physically demanding clients, breaks, shorter sessions, have someone overlap when possible) I had to take a “sick leave” – which for non Canadians, it’s a 16 week leave approved by the government where I receive 55% of my wage through “employment insurance.”

I was hoping to work until 20 weeks pregnant, but with how unaccommodating my work was I had no choice but to take it early and often called in sick multiple times a week leading up to this leave.

After the leave, my maternity leave began (which again is 55% of my wage paid by employment insurance for 1 year).

I have now been off of work for 1.5 years. Since I’ve been off, my job starting wage has increased by 4$/hr.

As I’m beginning to prepare to go back to work I reached out to HR to inquire what my hourly wage would be as I’ve received multiple wage increases during my leave (which they are required to include me in as I’m actively employed). HR responded today saying it’s 0.09 cents more than the starting wage.

I’ve worked 3 years, had multiple wage increases and yet I make NINE cents more than the starting wage. So apparently all of my past raises are no longer included?

I’m fuming, and obviously looking for another job. What do I say in response to HR’s message about my new wage rate.

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