
Contracted job is getting so toxic that corporate are forcing managers to micromanaging people

A friend of mine works in medical field but they're contracted to work. They have no HR in their department but a director and managers to go for work related issues. For some back story that department has been a lost cause with it being practically a revolving door for managers and workers alike. The way my friend told it was that they had a bad streak of management and thus leading to lazy workers being hired. Only when they past the Test the workers would be smoking weed and it rarely meth in the department or parking lot. The managers of that department hasn't gotten any better with the temp director giving long useless speeches and honeyed words. And spending money galore on overstocking products they don't use that much and not getting enough of the stuff they do use, buying brand new machines, etc. They rarely had trouble…

A friend of mine works in medical field but they're contracted to work. They have no HR in their department but a director and managers to go for work related issues.

For some back story that department has been a lost cause with it being practically a revolving door for managers and workers alike. The way my friend told it was that they had a bad streak of management and thus leading to lazy workers being hired. Only when they past the Test the workers would be smoking weed and it rarely meth in the department or parking lot. The managers of that department hasn't gotten any better with the temp director giving long useless speeches and honeyed words. And spending money galore on overstocking products they don't use that much and not getting enough of the stuff they do use, buying brand new machines, etc. They rarely had trouble with they're truck order– when they did pay attention. And the director forks over almost all his workload (if he could he would've given them it all) on the supervisors. The poor workers were supposed to get a raise soon. Did they get it? No. One reason was told by the director was Corp didn't see an improvement in the department and so the workers would NOT YET get the raise the way they're going. After the director spoke the supervisor chimed in that they the workers would NEVER see the raise. The Sup. was not speaking up in defense of the workers at the director but TO the workers. My friend thinks the they playing good cop, bad cop. and treating them like machines. Oh and they have limited air conditioning.

This is almost exact repeat of what happened at my former job that unfortunately my friend is going thru at theirs. To sum it up a majority of departments (not just my friends) are slobs and the hard workers are so few they're drowning in bull that is Corporate America.

Last I heard the papers/reports the workers are supposed to fill out is jacked. And now Corp is expecting everyone to spend more time to filling out how long it takes them to do… anything and everything.

Now the questions are my friend is wondering what they should do? How are they protected? They do live in a fire at will state. What should they document? They get paid more than some workers but not much. Yet more than minium wage and they're still struggling bad. You're thoughts?

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