
This question has been growing anxiety in my life since I quit my job as a part of the Great Resignation

I joined r/antiwork around mid 2021, as the subreddit was gaining popularity, but before the big boom where the numbers went to millions. Encouraged by being surrounded by like-minded individuals, and increasing social awareness about alternatives, I resigned from my job and have been sitting at home, thinking about philosophy. For months now, antiwork has been more about sharing your struggles, talking about your toxic work environment or poverty, and just a general supportive community of how to live and navigate in this capitalist hellscape we have found ourselves in. The question in my mind is: what's next? We need to keep moving on, we can't just create an echochamber where everyone just shouts their troubles into the void. As nice and supportive as this community is, it's depressing af to read, it's anxiety inducing that whenever you check here, you read negativity and drama. We do need to be…

I joined r/antiwork around mid 2021, as the subreddit was gaining popularity, but before the big boom where the numbers went to millions.

Encouraged by being surrounded by like-minded individuals, and increasing social awareness about alternatives, I resigned from my job and have been sitting at home, thinking about philosophy.

For months now, antiwork has been more about sharing your struggles, talking about your toxic work environment or poverty, and just a general supportive community of how to live and navigate in this capitalist hellscape we have found ourselves in.

The question in my mind is: what's next?

We need to keep moving on, we can't just create an echochamber where everyone just shouts their troubles into the void.

As nice and supportive as this community is, it's depressing af to read, it's anxiety inducing that whenever you check here, you read negativity and drama.

We do need to be thinking about the next step, we can't all quit our jobs and sit at home, we can't all work on our passion projects, and we absolutely should not accept the mainstream narrative of “if we get paid enough for our troubles, we are happy to keep working”.

But what is beyond antiwork? What is after the revolution? Is it a “true democracy” we are after? Is it a “chiller” more “socialist” version of capitalism? Is our society ready for such a system where the average dumbfuck on the street is given a voice? Can we trust the lazy fucks who are not willing to work (including me) to get off their asses and vote properly; to do their research into the best candidates, or being the best candidates?

I would love to know y'alls opinions and thoughts, cuz this is the shit that keeps me up at night, and I wanna work on looking at the next step rather than steep in my anxiety. Thanks for listening to my tedtalk.

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