
I quit my crappy job today!!

I’ve been working there for only 4 months and was expected to work 12 hour shifts constantly and was working 7 days a week. It’s a retail job. All 4 people that were there when I got hired, have also quit in the last 4 months. I ignored the red flags. But then it turned into getting multiple calls a day when I did get a day off, being blamed for things I didn’t do, not being good enough or working hard enough to meet sales targets when there was only 2 of us for the last two months. Im going to hopefully go back to school and my fiancé is going to help support me until my funding is approved since I applied late!! I am so excited!

I’ve been working there for only 4 months and was expected to work 12 hour shifts constantly and was working 7 days a week. It’s a retail job. All 4 people that were there when I got hired, have also quit in the last 4 months. I ignored the red flags. But then it turned into getting multiple calls a day when I did get a day off, being blamed for things I didn’t do, not being good enough or working hard enough to meet sales targets when there was only 2 of us for the last two months. Im going to hopefully go back to school and my fiancé is going to help support me until my funding is approved since I applied late!! I am so excited!

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