
Fired because my son went missing.

Bear with me, this is definitely anti-work and I need advice. So this Monday 8/15, my son was missing for an hour, my sons school bus driver dropped him off at some apartment complex. I don’t live at those apartments. Not even close. My son is a kindergartner, and is non-verbal autistic. He has not one clue what stop he’s supposed to get off at. That morning hours before school even ended we contacted the school, the bus garage, and wrote a note to his teachers after having already filled out all the proper paperwork. I don’t blame the school, his IEP is still being set up (however this should’ve already been taken care of). However, I have a huge issue with the bus driver himself and the transportation department. Each of those kids has a tag with their name on their backpacks. He’s supposed to check each one off…

Bear with me, this is definitely anti-work and I need advice.

So this Monday 8/15, my son was missing for an hour, my sons school bus driver dropped him off at some apartment complex. I don’t live at those apartments. Not even close.

My son is a kindergartner, and is non-verbal autistic. He has not one clue what stop he’s supposed to get off at. That morning hours before school even ended we contacted the school, the bus garage, and wrote a note to his teachers after having already filled out all the proper paperwork. I don’t blame the school, his IEP is still being set up (however this should’ve already been taken care of).

However, I have a huge issue with the bus driver himself and the transportation department. Each of those kids has a tag with their name on their backpacks. He’s supposed to check each one off a roster until all the kids are home, then call the school and give the all clear. He dropped off a large group of children at those apartments and clearly didn’t check any of them. My son wasn’t even supposed to be in that group, his stop is after that one. When we contact the school to find out where he was they confirmed that he was on the bus, the driver missed the stop, and would be back by 45 minutes later. The bus driver lied to my wife, to the school, and to his supervisor. Luckily a maintenance man at the apartments found him wandering around and reported him missing at the same time my wife was giving his description, he was returned home safely and unharmed.


Sorry for the length I just want my story understood.

I was working as a contractor for a billion dollar company here in Alabama. 6 months to full time hire, I’m 3 months in. I was scheduled for mandatory overtime 2 days after my sons thankfully short disappearance. I called in that morning to report that I had an emergency IEP meeting with my sons school. But the manager that day had his phone turned off. He never received my message. The company proceeded to contact my recruiter to let him know they were severing my contract. He called to let me know and even though I explained myself and all parties were made aware of the situation, the still decided to let me go based on the word of that manager. I was never late, never missed a day unless I was sick, worked through bronchitis and a viral URI, and worked all my assigned overtime. I passed all their assessments with flying colors, never had one performance review issue, never had any complaints to HR.

Here’s the kicker, the manager that got me fired actually quit an hour after they made the decision to let me go. He was gone less than 6 hours before they called him back and offered him more money to stay.

Do I have any grounds to sue these people? Is there anything I can do about this? I mean I called out that day to attend a meeting based around my disabled son, does this not violate some act somewhere?

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