
I told my boss to fuck off

And I’d do it again. I will never regret saying that. some bosses just need to be put in their place. Edit: I’m editing because of context. My boss have basically been harassing me since months back. I’ve been working there for a year and at first he seemed sooo nice and like a friend (don’t ever trust a boss, EVER). As soon as I did something, it could literally be any little thing, he would put it out in front of everybody, mock me behind my back, call me (and other employees) names etc. I’ve come to learn that he’s a psychopath that don’t care about other peoples feelings. The other day, he was coming after me for a thing (which was not even my fault) and I just couldn’t deal. I told him “it’s not my fault” where he looked me dead in the eye and said “It…

And I’d do it again.

I will never regret saying that. some bosses just need to be put in their place.

Edit: I’m editing because of context.

My boss have basically been harassing me since months back.

I’ve been working there for a year and at first he seemed sooo nice and like a friend (don’t ever trust a boss, EVER). As soon as I did something, it could literally be any little thing, he would put it out in front of everybody, mock me behind my back, call me (and other employees) names etc. I’ve come to learn that he’s a psychopath that don’t care about other peoples feelings.

The other day, he was coming after me for a thing (which was not even my fault) and I just couldn’t deal. I told him “it’s not my fault” where he looked me dead in the eye and said “It IS your fault” and I just lost it, I told him “fuck off” and walked away. 5 minutes after, he told me to come out because we were having a meeting and told me about a warning I was about to receive. During the meeting, I told him that he should look over his leadership skills and he looked me in the face and smirked like a psychopath.

Today I received the warning, which had 5 points written on it, 4/5 are complete false. He’s just the worst human I have ever met in my entire life.

Im going back to school in november so it feels like a waste to start a new job, otherwise I would have put in my notice a long time ago.

I’m a 26yr old female and he is 40+ and a male. I just feel so drained and humiliated and so damn sad. Not because I told him to fuck off, but because I just feel so unfairly treated. I told him today during the meeting how much he has affected my mental health and his response was “I never talk to you so I don’t know what you mean”.

To be honest, “fuck off” was the least thing I could say because the things I wanted to say and do to him, only god knows. It was kind of liberating to tell him to f off, I mean, how many of us doesn’t go around with the urge to say that to our boss?

this is a start up company and he is the founder. We have no HR, no union or whatever. If I don’t like him, I can’t report him to anyone.

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