
Does anyone else struggle to even pretend to be into the corporate bullshit?

Maybe it's because it's my first job in a larger company but I really, really struggle with this. My job itself is okay and the payment is too, but this constant layer of corporate bullshit that is applied to everything is so exhausting to me. No, I don't want to go on a “teambuilding activity”, if I want to go canoeing – or whatever you come up with this time – I ask my friends, not my coworkers. I don't want to attend meetings all the time, especially if they are not relevant to my tasks at all – I don't give a shit about “getting an insight to the company”. I don't want to set up a “skills and expectations profile” on your bullshit internal website – I am just a support member, no one actually cares what I think about stuff, so why do we have to pretend…

Maybe it's because it's my first job in a larger company but I really, really struggle with this. My job itself is okay and the payment is too, but this constant layer of corporate bullshit that is applied to everything is so exhausting to me.

No, I don't want to go on a “teambuilding activity”, if I want to go canoeing – or whatever you come up with this time – I ask my friends, not my coworkers. I don't want to attend meetings all the time, especially if they are not relevant to my tasks at all – I don't give a shit about “getting an insight to the company”. I don't want to set up a “skills and expectations profile” on your bullshit internal website – I am just a support member, no one actually cares what I think about stuff, so why do we have to pretend they do. I don't want to be lectured about “process optimization” and “workflow improvement” by some middle-management Karen who has neither an idea nor any in interest in what we actually do. And I sure as fuck don't want to attend “virtual coffee breaks”! I just want to do my job, and in my breaks I want to drink some tea and have some quiet – that's what I'm working from home for. Not to listen about coworker 1's baby puking again or coworker 2's boring vacation trip. But of course, I get lectured when I don't attend. These days it's tiresome to even pretend to be into all this crap, and my last performance review was basically “work is good but please be more social” and I just hate it.

Is this just be being an antisocial twat (completely possible tbh) or is this exhausting to other people as well – and if so, why is this even kept up? Just so the hoards of middle management people have an excuse why they are employed? I'm tired man.

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