
You’re Both Black _You Do It.

A toxic employee who is always making vale threats of suing, quiting and filing complaints continues being a pain to everyone, HR stopped responding, the VP will not put anything in writing but wants them gone so bad, and no one is supporting me on paper. I am caught in the middle of a storm that was around for years before I was ever hired. They all admit to dropping the ball (not on paper) the employee is black, the Directors all white, I am a Director, black, and in my interview I was told how terrible she is, 2nd interview, they want her gone but I could see for myself and decide. I asked if I was hired to fire her cause I am black _ Crickets! I'm annoyed at the Employee, HR and my VP. What do I Do? How do I get them to handle this? Thanks

A toxic employee who is always making vale threats of suing, quiting and filing complaints continues being a pain to everyone, HR stopped responding, the VP will not put anything in writing but wants them gone so bad, and no one is supporting me on paper. I am caught in the middle of a storm that was around for years before I was ever hired. They all admit to dropping the ball (not on paper) the employee is black, the Directors all white, I am a Director, black, and in my interview I was told how terrible she is, 2nd interview, they want her gone but I could see for myself and decide. I asked if I was hired to fire her cause I am black _ Crickets! I'm annoyed at the Employee, HR and my VP.

What do I Do? How do I get them to handle this?

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