
the only thing I despise about my factory job is the “carry over”

Hello all. Let me start by saying that by “carry over” I mean when your work responsibilities and stress start to carry over into your personal life. This is something that should never happen, in my humble opinion. It's a great way for an employee to become burned out. It is wild how common it seems to be, in factories through my 10 years of blue collar experience. Not only do you take all this stress home everyday, but it's often compounded by texts from UC/Managers/Supervisors asking about this machine or that suspect lot (bad product) Then they have all these digital training materials that they haven't properly scheduled for… 27 hours worth of material in total. They try to make it feel like our problem as employees to figure this out, no sir. That's a matter that will need to be handled on company time. It just seems absurd.…

Hello all. Let me start by saying that by “carry over” I mean when your work responsibilities and stress start to carry over into your personal life. This is something that should never happen, in my humble opinion. It's a great way for an employee to become burned out.

It is wild how common it seems to be, in factories through my 10 years of blue collar experience. Not only do you take all this stress home everyday, but it's often compounded by texts from UC/Managers/Supervisors asking about this machine or that suspect lot (bad product)

Then they have all these digital training materials that they haven't properly scheduled for… 27 hours worth of material in total. They try to make it feel like our problem as employees to figure this out, no sir. That's a matter that will need to be handled on company time.

It just seems absurd. You wouldn't wheel up to your mechanics driveway, park your car and expect him to come out of his house and start working, now would ya?

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