
Please, just read the damn email…

Every week, I have to deal with at least one asshat (lucky if it's only one) that just refuses to read emails. Doesn't matter how succinct I try to be, they gloss right over pertinent info and then fuck something up. My job requires training people on how to use proprietary software and I know what you might be thinking, “Maybe you're just not that good at training.” I have a bit of imposter syndrome so that thought floats through my head often. Ultimately, the majority of people I have trained have been successful in using the software and I've received a fair amount of positive feedback from them, so this is most likely not the case. Today, I am trying to be patient with a particular trainee who at the time of training, had no questions. I always try to make myself available for follow-up if anyone needs it…

Every week, I have to deal with at least one asshat (lucky if it's only one) that just refuses to read emails. Doesn't matter how succinct I try to be, they gloss right over pertinent info and then fuck something up.

My job requires training people on how to use proprietary software and I know what you might be thinking, “Maybe you're just not that good at training.” I have a bit of imposter syndrome so that thought floats through my head often. Ultimately, the majority of people I have trained have been successful in using the software and I've received a fair amount of positive feedback from them, so this is most likely not the case.

Today, I am trying to be patient with a particular trainee who at the time of training, had no questions. I always try to make myself available for follow-up if anyone needs it and also send a very clear instruction guide after training for them to follow if they get stuck. Honestly, it could do my job alone if it weren't for dummies. They decided to email me, many weeks after said training. I answered their question in two sentences and linked out my guide once more just in case, but they still fucked it up and wrote back acting like they did exactly what I said to correct the issue they were seeing.

Seven other people including their supervisor were on the email thread and jumped in to say, “This doesn't seem right, is this right? We need to get this done quickly.” I respond to let them know it's wrong and that I can get on the phone to course correct if needed. An hour ago so, not that urgent I guess?

I know people don't like reading work emails, but that's why I try to make mine short and sweet. I personally would be mortified to have gone through training, signed off that I know what I'm doing and then so publicly fall on my own face and then try to act like it was intended.

Do yourself a favor and please, just read the damn email.

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