
Today is my last day of work

I just had a baby this spring and had no parental leave, so I used up all my PTO. My organization is too small to technically have to do FMLA, but prides themselves on being “baby friendly” and flexible, and claims in their personnel manual to provide FMLA. When it came time to use some unpaid leave to best take care of me and baby, they made it exceedingly hard to schedule so as to be impossible to use. So, I quit. The leave would've been unpaid anyways, it wasn't worth the mental labor and emotional hassle from them on top of being a new mom. Flash forward to today. It's my last day after giving notice, and management is scrambling to find someone to run the projects I used to handle for them. They'd like to contract me this winter to lead some of the same work I'd done…

I just had a baby this spring and had no parental leave, so I used up all my PTO. My organization is too small to technically have to do FMLA, but prides themselves on being “baby friendly” and flexible, and claims in their personnel manual to provide FMLA. When it came time to use some unpaid leave to best take care of me and baby, they made it exceedingly hard to schedule so as to be impossible to use. So, I quit. The leave would've been unpaid anyways, it wasn't worth the mental labor and emotional hassle from them on top of being a new mom.

Flash forward to today. It's my last day after giving notice, and management is scrambling to find someone to run the projects I used to handle for them. They'd like to contract me this winter to lead some of the same work I'd done before. Suffice to say my contracting rate will be significantly higher than my salary was! I'd call this a win.

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